by JSNBTTS437 | Jul 21, 2021 | Uncategorized
Did you know that roaches have been around for millions of years, and it is suspected that there are thousands of species worldwide? They are resilient and persistent critters that tend to infest homes during the cold winter months. Often, they are found in basements...
by JSNBTTS437 | Jun 30, 2021 | Uncategorized
We have been all too familiar with having to wear a mask the past year and a half. Many people are tired of them and some are thriving with them. Masks can be funny, be pretty, represent beliefs, represent favorite sports teams, and even be used to hold snacks in!...
by Laura Meadow | Jan 9, 2020 | Uncategorized
We may not always realize it, but our beliefs can be like seeds. We plant them in the soil of our lives, and then they take root and grow. First, the seed begins to sprout. Roots form downwards as a stem forms upwards and are soon to be joined by tiny needles and...
by Laura Meadow | Jan 9, 2020 | Uncategorized
Ready or not, ‘Tis the season for family, food and fellowship! For some families, this is a celebratory time to take a break and connect with loved ones. But for many, it is a stressful occasion full of competing emotions, travel schedules, hosting duties, holiday...
by Laura Meadow | Apr 1, 2019 | Uncategorized
It’s hard to believe that spring is right around the corner! By this time, resolutions and goals for the new year feel far behind us. However, whether you have already made progress on your New Year’s resolutions or find yourself stuck and giving up, this is no doubt...
by Laura Meadow | Feb 12, 2019 | Uncategorized
Valentine’s day is here! Whether it’s a holiday we love or one we love to hate, there’s no denying that it puts ‘love’ on the brain. One of the most loving things you can offer your partner is the privilege of knowing you and knowing them in return. However, often...