Introduction to Play Therapy: CCPT Basics and Beyond
This training is designed for the play therapist in agency, private practice, or school setting who is interested in learning about Child Centered Play Therapy. This six-hour training provides an engaging and interactive introduction to child-centered play therapy (CCPT), followed by a deeper dive into advanced CCPT concepts.
When: Saturday, March 15 · 9am – 4pm CDT
Where: 333 Murfreesboro Pike Nashville, TN 37210 United States
Cost: $120; Student Rate: $80 (full day); $60; Student Rate: $40 (half day)
Led by: Dr. Joni Batts, LMFT, RPT-S
Introduction to Sandtray Therapy
This training is designed for the play therapist in agency, private practice, or school setting who is interested in learning more about the use of sandtray during a play therapy session. We will cover the basic history and rationale, theoretical concepts, and practical implementation of sandtray therapy.
When: Saturday, February 15 · 9am – 4pm CST
Where: 2031 North Mount Juliet Road Mt. Juliet, TN 37122
Cost: $120; Student Rate: $80
Led by: Dr. Joni Batts, LMFT, RPT-S