Raise your hand if you’re frustrated by the number of times you’ve told your kids the following sentence: “Clean your room.” I can’t see you, but I’d bet you’re raising your hand. How many times do you tell your kids to clean their rooms before it actually gets done? And let’s be honest here, does it ever actually get done?
I’ve got another question for you. Have you ever walked into a room and forgot what you walked in there for? Or, have you ever walked into a room to clean and felt so overwhelmed, you did something else? I know you have, because I’ve done it too- we all do! And guess what? Our kids can feel the exact same way, which can be part of the reason you’re constantly stepping on stray legos (ouch).
So, how can we as caregivers help our kids tidy up? Luckily, I’m here to help. Here are 5 ways to help your kiddo finally clean their room:
1. Model the task.
Do your kiddos know how to clean up? Doing a task together and modeling what you would like them to do can help build their confidence and help them be successful.
2. Give them one task at a time.
For example, start with asking them to put all their legos in a bin, and have them check in when they’re done. Breaking tasks into smaller ones can help your kids achieve the overall goal and stop them from getting overwhelmed.
3. Make cleaning up fun!
You can play music, take breaks, make a game of it like (who can clean up more toys), and have a preferred activity for them to engage in when they are done.
4. Don’t shout at them from another room.
Make eye contact and use a calm tone. If you’re not giving them one task at a time, make sure you use first-then-next language (first clean up the legos, then the action figures, and next you can go outside to play).
5. Try a kid-version of spring cleaning!
If you feel like your kids have too many toys – some they don’t even play with – here are some things you can do:
- Discard toys with broken or missing pieces
- Donate toys/games that are no longer used, or have a yard sale
- Store some of the toys in storage and rotate them out every 3-6
Whichever tips you decide to incorporate into your life, make your kids a part of the process. Introduce them to a few of these methods and have them help you. For example, you can ask your kid if they want to listen to music when they clean, and have them pick the song. This can build your relationship and help them feel that their thoughts and feelings are important.
With these 5 tips, tidying up becomes a much more manageable process for our little ones. Try some out next time you ask your kiddos to clean their room!